About OFS

OFS is a Swiss FoundationOFS Ombud Finance Switzerland was incorporated as a foundation under art. 80 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code on April 7, 2020 and registered with the Bern Register of Commerce on April 15, 2020. dedicated to provide dispute resolution services to affiliated financial institutions, financial service providers, financial advisers and their clients. Its services are available upon request, from clients or from financial service providers. OFS is a public utility tax exempted legal entity subject to supervision by the Swiss Federal Supervision Authority in Bern.

OFS was recognised as an official Ombudsman’s Offices by the Federal Department of Finance on june 24th 2020.

Financial Institutions and Financial service providers holding an authorisation in the meaning of the Federal Act on Financial Institutions of June 15, 2018 (FinIA) and client advisers registered with a recognised register of advisers, are eligible for registration with OFS.OFS is a recognised Ombudsman’s Offices as per art.84 para 1 of the Federal Act on Financial Services of June 15, 2018 (FAFS), available for affiliations by financial service providers in compliance with art. 77 FAFS.

Impartiality and independence

Our Ombudspersons are all Swiss attorneys registered with their respective Cantonal Bar Association and with Swiss Bar Association. Besides other trainings and memberships in other mediation associations, all are subject to the supervision as mediators by the Swiss Bar Association.

All of them undertake to abide by the strict rules of ethicsThe official Rules of Ethics of the Swiss Bar Association are available in german and french promulgated by the Swiss Bar Association

A conflict check will always be made before appointment to handle any dispute.

The Foundation Board

The Foundation Board supervises the activities of the Foundation. Its composition guarantees the independence of the Ombudspersons in charge of mediation and dispute resolution services. The Board is not allowed to interfere in the work of the Ombudspersons who can guarantee their full independence and impartiality towards the parties.

Dominique Blanchard

Marco Franchetti

Babette Sigg

Dispute resolution is an incremental process. The more one knows, the more likely are solutions.