Our Ombudspersons / Mediators*Both terms can be used to describe our functions. For linguistic convenience, we use the term “Mediator” in our Rules of procedure and in other languages.

Our Ombudsmen and Ombudswomen are a team of highly professional lawyers experienced both in mediation, finance and dispute resolution generally. In our practice as Ombudspersons we are committed to following protocols ensuring a reliable and consistent practice across the board. We are bound and are committed to follow the rules of ethics adopted by the Swiss Bar Association for its Mediators FSA/SAV.

At the time of filing a request for dispute resolution services with the Foundation, you may have already selected, in agreement with the other party, one of us among the following profiles. If not, the Foundation will appoint your Ombudsperson, taking into consideration any relevant circumstances including the language of the relationship between the parties, the geographic location of the parties and, to the extent possible, any preference you may have expressed.


We all practice in English. Besides, each of us practices in its own native language, either French, German or Italian.

English / Deutsch

Monika Mcquillen

English / Français

Ingrid Iselin

English / Italiano

Francesca Birchler

Balz Hösly
Pierre Kobel
Franco Brusa