Nos Médiateurs/Médiatrices*Les termes d’ombudsperson ou de médiateur peuvent être utilisés pour décrire nos fonctions. Pour des raisons de commodité linguistique, nous utilisons le terme «médiateur» dans notre règlement intérieur et dans d’autres langues.
Nos Médiateurs/Médiatrices forment une équipe de d’avocats pointus expérimentés en matière de médiation, de droit financier et en matière de résolution des différends en général. Tous s’engagent à suivre un protocole commun afin d’assurer une pratique et une gestion des dossiers cohérente et sûre. Tous sont liés et s’engagent à suivre les règles d’éthique pour les avocats-médiateurs FSA adoptées par la Fédération Suisse des Avocats.
Lors du dépôt d’une demande de médiation auprès de la Fondation, il se peut que les parties aient déjà trouvé un accord sur la personne du Médiateur/de la Médiatrice parmi les profils ci-dessous. Si ce n’est le cas, c’est la Fondation qui va désigner votre médiateur, en prenant en considération toutes les circonstances connues du dossier en ce compris la langue utilisée dans les relations entre les parties, leur localisation et, dans la mesure du possible, toute préférence exprimée par les parties.
Nous pratiquons tous en anglais, ainsi que dans une des langues nationales, français, allemand ou italien.
Anglais / Deutsch
Anglais / Français
Ingrid Iselin
Anglais / Italiano
Francesca Birchler
Monika Mcquillen
Monika begann ihre Laufbahn nach ihrem Studium der Betriebswirtschaft in der internationalen chemischen Industrie, bevor sie Partnerin einer internationalen Anwaltskanzlei in der Schweiz (Eversheds Sutherland) wurde. Sie ist spezialisiert auf die gütliche sowie streitige Beilegung von komplexen Konflikten in den Bereichen internationales Wirtschaftsvertragsrecht und Arbeitsrecht. Ihre Branchenexpertise konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die Bereiche Finanzdienstleistungen, Commodities, Pharma, Chemie, Medizinaltechnik und Anlagenbau. Seit 2015 ist sie als zertifizierte Mediatorin tätig
Monika verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Beratung und Vertretung von Kunden in Bezug auf anspruchsvolle kommerzielle, finanzielle und arbeitsrechtliche Angelegenheiten. Sie verfügt über eine langjährige Erfahrung in der Prozessführung vor staatlichen Gerichten, internationalen Schiedsgerichten und der Führung von internen Untersuchungen. Sie tritt auch vor Behörden auf, insbesondere in Enforcement Verfahren vor der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA. Ihre Mediationspraxis hat eine breite kommerzielle Ausrichtung und ist offen für die Anwendung verschiedener Mediationstechniken je nach Bedürfnissen des konkreten Falls. Monika wird von Legal 500 und Chambers und Partners in den Bereichen Prozessführung, Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Arbeitsrecht empfohlen.
Monika Mcquillen
Monika started her career in the international chemical industry with an education in business administration, before becoming a partner in an international law firm in Switzerland (Eversheds Sutherland). She is specialized in advising and resolving complex disputes, as well as in strategic counseling in these areas. Her sector expertise is focused in particular on the financial services, commodities pharma, chemical, med-tech, and industrial engineering. She has practiced as a certified mediator since 2015.
Monika has significant experience advising and acting on behalf of clients in relation to challenging commercial, financial and employment matters. She has a track record in conducting litigations, arbitrations, and investigations, and representing clients before the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. Her mediation practice has a broad commercial perspective and open to the application of various mediation techniques as useful to the concrete case. Monika is singled out by Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners as a litigation, arbitration and employment practitioner.
Ingrid Iselin
Ingrid Iselin est associée de l’Etude d’avocats Kellerhals Carrard à Genève et co-responsable de l’équipe « Clients Privés » de l’Etude Kellerhals Carrard au niveau suisse. Elle possède une vaste expérience des litiges successoraux et de la planification successorale. Sa pratique couvre également le droit des contrats, le droit des sociétés et les trusts. Ingrid Iselin conseille ses clients (personnes privées et entrepreneurs suisses ou étrangers, banques, family offices etc.) tant dans le cadre de négociations que devant les tribunaux et autorités suisses. Elle intervient également comme médiatrice depuis 2007. Licenciée de l’Université de Genève et titulaire d’un LL.M. de la London School of Economics, Ingrid Iselin s’est formée en résolution alternative des conflits auprès du Groupement Pro Médiation et de l’Université de Harvard. Elle a été nommée par l’Office Fédéral de la Justice au sein du Groupe d’Experts fédéral pour la réforme du droit des successions. En 2019, elle a aussi été nommée membre du Comité du Contentious Trusts and Estates SIG de la Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
Ingrid Iselin
Ingrid Iselin is a partner of the Geneva office of the law firm Kellerhals Carrard and Co-Head of the “Private Clients” Team of Kellerhals Carrard on a Swiss level. She has extensive experience and expertise in inheritance litigation and estate planning. Her expertise also covers contract law, corporate law and trusts. Ingrid Iselin represents her clients (foreign and Swiss private clients and entrepreneurs, banks, family offices, etc.) both in negotiations as well as before the Swiss courts and authorities. She also practices as a mediator since 2007. Ingrid Iselin is a graduate from the University of Geneva and holds an LL.M. from the London School of Economics. She trained in alternative dispute resolution with the Groupement Pro Mediation and at Harvard University. She was appointed by the Federal Office of Justice within the Federal Group of Experts for the reform of Swiss inheritance law. In 2019, Ingrid Iselin was also appointed as a member of the Contentious Trusts and Estates SIG Committee of the Society of Trust and Estate practitioners (STEP)
Francesca Birchler
Francesca Birchler è nata a Ginevra. Ha studiato diritto all’Università di Ginevra laureandosi nel 1992. Dal 1992 al 1996, è stata assistente in diritto commerciale e contabile presso la facoltà di diritto dell’Università di Ginevra conseguendo in parallelo un Diploma di Studi Superiori (DES) nell’ambito del diritto societario. In tale periodo, ha pure perfezionato le sue conoscenze in materia contabile con uno stage di alcuni mesi presso una delle principali società di revisione e consulenza. Dal 1998 Francesca Birchler ha esercitato la professione di avvocato presso studi legali di primaria importanza a Lugano. Si è occupata di fornire consulenza a imprese d’importanza regionale, nazionale e internazionale. Ha pure sviluppato competenze in procedure giudiziali, arbitrali e di mediazione.
In parallelo, negli anni 2005-2007, ella ha frequentato presso la Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) il corso post-diploma di mediazione nell’economia e nel settore pubblico, ottenendo nel 2007 il titolo di mediatore della Federazione svizzera di mediazione (FSM).
Francesca Birchler è autrice di diverse pubblicazioni di natura scientifica; in particolare ella è coautrice del capitolo relativo all’organizzazione della società anonima (art. 698a 731b CO) nell’importante opera dottrinale “Commentaire Romand, Code des obligations II”. Francesca predilige i campi del diritto commerciale, della contrattualista in generale e del diritto societario.
Francesca Birchler
Francesca Birchler was born in Geneva. She received his law degree from the University of Geneva in 1992. From 1992 to 1996, she was assistant in commercial and accounting law at the faculty of law of the University of Geneva obtaining in parallel a Diploma of Higher Studies (DES) in the field of company law. During this period, she also perfected her knowledge of accounting with a traineeship of a few months at one of the leading audit and advisory firms. Francesca Birchler has been practicing law as an attorney since 1998 in leading law firms in Lugano. She has worked advising companies of regional, national and international importance. She also developed skills in judicial, arbitration and mediation procedures.
In parallel, during the years 2005-2007, she attended the post-diploma course in business and public sector mediation at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), obtaining in 2007 the title of mediator of the Swiss Federation of Mediation (FSM).
Francesca Birchler is the author of several scientific publications; in particular she is the co-author of the chapter on the organization of the shareholder company (art. 698a 731b of the Swiss Code of obligations) in the important doctrinal work “Commentaire Romand, Code des obligations II”. Francesca activity fields are commercial law, contract law in general and corporate law
Balz Hösly
Balz Hösly ist Rechtsanwalt sowie Präsident und Mitglied verschiedener Verwaltungsräte. Er ist ein ausgewiesener Fachmann für in der Öffentlichkeit exponierte, private und öffentlich-rechtliche Unternehmen. Er gilt als Spezialist in Fragen der Unternehmensnachfolge, der Corporate & Public Governance, der Rechtsberatung auf strategischer Ebene und ist ein erfahrener Mediator im Risiko- und Konfliktmanagement von Privatpersonen und Unternehmen.
Nach verschiedenen internationalen Funktionen als Vorsitzender und Mitglied von Geschäftsleitungen in den Bereichen Versicherung, Marketing und Beratung bei der Internationalisierung von Unternehmen wurde Balz Hösly 2004 Partner bei MME Legal | Tax | Compliance mit Sitz in Zürich und Zug, einem Unternehmen mit rund 80 Juristen und Steuerberatern. Als Fachanwalt SAV Erbrecht, Mediator SAV und TEP berät er Privatpersonen, Familien und Family Offices. Balz Hösly koordiniert das MME Private Clients Team und war Mitglied der Expertenkommission des Bundesamts für Justiz zur Revision des Schweizer Erbrechts.
Balz Hösly
Balz Hösly is a qualified attorney and chairman and member of the boards of several companies. He is a well-known expert for publicly exposed private and public organizations and companies. He is considered as a specialist for matters in company succession, corporate and public governance and strategic legal advice. As an experienced mediator he focuses on risk- and conflict management for individuals and companies.
In 2004, after various C-level assignments and engagements in the fields of insurance, marketing and international consulting Balz joined MME Legal | Tax | Compliance, a professional services firm in Zurich and Zug with more than 80 professionals, as a partner. He is a Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law, TEP and Mediator SBA and advises and represents individuals, families and family offices in economic matters. Balz leads MME’s Private Clients’ team and has been appointed by the Swiss Federal Ministry of Justice as a member of the expert committee for the revision of Switzerland’s Inheritance Law.
Pierre Kobel
Breveté en 1988, Pierre Kobel a pratiqué le droit dans des études à Genève, Lausanne, Washington D.C., avec le Secrétariat de la COMCO et comme conseiller juridique interne d’une entreprise internationale. Il a une vaste expérience des négociations et des différends commerciaux. Associé d’une étude genevoise depuis 2001, sa pratique couvre le droit commercial, notamment des contrats, le droit financier, le droit civil et administratif, la propriété intellectuelle et la concurrence déloyale, le droit des cartels. Pendant ces années, il a assuré en tant qu’externe, le service juridique d’une petite banque pendant huit ans. Il a fondé sa propre étude en 2016.
Pierre Kobel pratique la médiation comme indépendant depuis 2002. Il est un praticien reconnu dans la résolution des différends, régulièrement nommé médiateur pour résoudre par la voie amiable des différends commerciaux, mais aussi civils comme en succession et divorce. Il est souvent nommé expert-arbitre dans des dossiers de harcèlement moral. Comme avocat, il représente des parties devant les tribunaux étatiques et arbitraux. Il est également juge suppléant à la Cour de justice de Genève.
Pierre Kobel
Since 1988, Pierre Kobel has been practicing in law firms in Geneva, Lausanne and Washington D.C., with the Competition Commission in Bern and as General Counsel for Europe, Middle-East and Africa in an international corporation. He has extensive experience of complex commercial negotiations and disputes. Partner with a Geneva firm since 2001, his practice covers commercial law, contract law generally, a.o. in the field of finance, civil law, antitrust law, intellectual property and unfair competition. He acted as outside general counsel for a small bank in Geneva for eight years. Pierre Kobel founded his own legal offices in 2016.
Pierre Kobel has been practicing mediation since 2002. He is a recognised practitioner in the field of dispute resolution, regularly appointed as a mediator to resolve amicably all sorts of disputes, in the commercial ambit but also in civil matters like succession and divorce. Pierre is often appointed as expert-arbitrator in moral harassment cases. As a litigator, he is representing parties in front of State courts and arbitral tribunals. He is also a deputy judge with the Cour de justice in Geneva.
Franco Brusa
L’avvocato Franco Brusa ha studiato diritto all’università di Berna, laureandosi nel 1981. Ha ottenuto il brevetto di avvocato per il Canton Ticino nel 1984; nel 1986 ha conseguito il brevetto di notaio in Ticino.
L’avvocato Brusa ha svolto tutta la sua carriera professionale presso lo Studio Bolla Bonzanigo e nel 1993 è divenuto contitolare dello Studio. Nel 2002 ha conseguito il titolo di mediatore della Federazione svizzera degli avvocati (FSA). Sempre presso la Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) ha poi frequentato, negli anni 2002 – 2005, il corso post-diploma di mediazione nell’economia e nel settore pubblico. Dal 2010 è titolare del brevetto di mediatore della Federazione svizzera di mediazione (FSM).
A seguito della fusione dello Studio Bolla Bonzanigo con altri due studi legali Franco Brusa è socio cofondatore e partner dello studio legale Collegal (dal 2020).
L’avvocato Brusa predilige i campi del diritto commerciale, del diritto internazionale privato, della contrattualistica in generale, del diritto dei marchi e della concorrenza sleale, del diritto ereditario, del diritto penale in ambito commerciale e della proprietà intellettuale. Egli è inoltre particolarmente attivo nel campo arbitrale, nel quale può vantare una notevole esperienza, soprattutto a livello internazionale.
Franco Brusa
Franco Brusa received his law degree from the University of Bern in 1981. He was admitted to the Ticino bar in 1984 and obtained a license to practice as Civil law notary in Ticino in 1986.
Franco Brusa made his entire career withBollaBonzanigoand became partner in 1993. In 2002 he obtained the title of mediator of the Swiss Lawyers’ Federation (FSA). Still at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), in November 2002 he then attended the post-diploma course in business and public sector mediation in the years 2002 – 2005. Since 2010, he holds the Swiss Mediation Federation’s (FSM) license as a mediator.
Following the merger of Bolla Bonzanigo with other two law firms he is a co-founder and partner of the law firm Collegal (since 2020).
Franco Brusa activity fields are commercial law, private international law, contract law in general, trademark law and unfair competition, inheritance law, commercial criminal law and intellectual property. He is also particularly active in the field of arbitration, where he has gathered considerable experience, particularly at international level.