Dispute resolution in financial matters
Mediation - Evaluation AffiliationSubmit a Mediation RequestOFS is a Swiss Foundation dedicated to provide dispute resolution services upon request from clients of financial service providers or upon request from financial services providers. OFS is a public utility tax exempted legal entity subject to supervision by the Federal Supervision Authority in Bern.

Our services
Dispute resolution is an incremental process. The more one knows, the more likely are solutions.
Impartiality and independence
All Ombudspersons available to help you resolving your differences were selected by the Foundation for their double experience and competence in mediation and dispute resolution on the one hand and in the law of assets management and finance on the other hand. All are in a position to provide highly professional and consistent services.
Our Ombudspersons are impartial and independent from the parties.
Steps process
As often in mediation, we have devised a simple and flexible procedure. The appointed Ombudsperson will decide the most appropriate course of action to help you to resolve your dispute, taking all circumstances into consideration.
The proceedings are subject to strict confidentiality rules laid out in article 14 of our Rules of procedure. Confidentiality fosters open discussions and good faith negotiations. It allows you to share information, a condition to the finding of a satisfactory outcome.
Costs are largely conditioned by the requirements of the Federal Act on Financial Services (FAFS). You can read our Schedule of costs on our page Rules and procedure